Updates from our Beauties

What are these mom to be upto!?

2.2k Started eating healthy for us.
2.7k overwhelmed!!!!
4k Best sound I ever heard was my child's heart-beat
5.3k a little vacay for us
5k Goud-Bharai

Trimester Stages

9 MONTH preparing to fall in love for a lifetime..

First Trimester (Weeks 1-12)

During the first trimester, the fertilized egg implants in the uterus and begins to develop into an embryo. The mother may experience symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, and breast tenderness. The baby's major organs and systems begin to form, and the baby's heartbeat can usually be detected by week 8....

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Second Trimester (Weeks 13-28)

By the second trimester, the mother's symptoms may improve, and she may begin to feel more energetic. The baby's movements become more frequent and noticeable, and the mother may begin to show a visible baby bump. The baby's sex can usually be determined by an ultrasound around week 20....

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Third Trimester (Weeks 29-40)

In the third trimester, the mother's belly grows larger as the baby continues to gain weight and prepare for birth. The mother may experience symptoms such as back pain, frequent urination, and Braxton Hicks contractions. The baby's lungs and other organs continue to mature, and the baby may settle into a head-down position in preparation for birth....

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Maternity experiences of our lovely moms!

22 January, 2024

Eating Healthy->Natasha

Since childhood, I used to be the biggest foodie. after conceiving my child, i was really worried about what to eat that would not harm my child. I am so THANKFUL for PregCare for helping me in this stressful situation.

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29 January, 2024

It's positive!->Anisha

I have a funny story to share.I ran around my living room in disbelief. I called my husband, who’s in the military. He said he almost cried and jumped in the air, but he had to act tough in front of his colleagues

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1 February, 2024

The wait ends here->Kanika

I had a long delivery and after 12 hours of labour, when I underwent cesarean operation, I was so tired that it was tough for me to stay awake. I heard a cry. I had not seen a more beautiful face than his. I wanted to hold him close to me forever!

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8 February, 2024


The feeling of creating another little one just like you and your loved one is a divine process. It feels like I couldnot get any happier.

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22 February, 2024

Vacay ->Naira

My husband is being the best dad he could by serving a Maldives vacation to us.

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1 March, 2024

Goud-Bharai -> Simran

Godh bharai is a traditional Indian baby shower celebrated during pregnancy to welcome the unborn baby to the family and bless the mother-to-be with abundant joys of motherhood.

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